Hot Rod Grill Raffle

HRGClosed HRGOpen

The Kinsmen Club of Brandon is raffling a “Hot Rod Grill”.  This is a propane BBQ styled to look like a small block engine.  The draw is on September 19, 2013 at the Brandon Kinsmen Club Room.  Tickets are 1 for $2.00 or 3 for $5.00.  If you are interested in buying tickets, contact us at with your phone number and we will arrange to get you some tickets.

2013 Ride for the Breath of Life

June 15, 2013 the Kinsmen Club of Brandon held the “Ride for the Breath of Life” Motorcycle and Classic Car Ride.

The Ride for the Breath of Life is an annual national motor sports fundraiser in support of Canadians with cystic fibrosis held in locations across Canada.

This year’s event saw 20 riders ride their bikes and classic cars from Brandon, to Rivers, Sandy Lake, Rapid City, and back to Brandon.  The weather mostly cooperated, though the post-event festivities had some rain.

Congratulations to Brenda Hales, who won the $500 poker derby; and Rick Reimer, who won the raffle for the Harley Davidson watch. Thanks to all riders and volunteers for supporting this great event to support Canadians with cystic fibrosis.


Brenda Hales (L) winner of the  the $500 poker derby, accepts the prize from Art Wiebe (R) President of the Kinsmen Club of Brandon

Brenda Hales (L) winner of the the $500 poker derby, accepts the prize from Art Wiebe (R) President of the Kinsmen Club of Brandon

Rick Reimer (R) accepts the raffle prize of a Harley Davidson watch from Art Wiebe (L) President of the Kinsmen Club of Brandon

Rick Reimer (R) accepts the raffle prize of a Harley Davidson watch from Art Wiebe (L) President of the Kinsmen Club of Brandon


Kinsmen Float in Travelers Day Parade 2013

The Kinsmen Club of Brandon built our float for the Travelers Day Parade.  Thanks to Morningstar Metals for allowing use of their truck and shop.

We are featuring our Hot Rod Grill engine block BBQ we are raffling off throughout the summer of 2013.

Art Wiebe (L) and Kelly Graham (R) try out the Kinsmen Club of Brandon float for the 2013 Travelers Day Parade

Art Wiebe (L) and Kelly Graham (R) try out the Kinsmen Club of Brandon float for the 2013 Travelers Day Parade

June 8, 2013 Travelers Day Parade

Come see the Kinsmen Club of Brandon float in the Travelers Day Parade, 11:00 am June 8, 2013.

Parade begins at 11am corner of 6th and Rosser, west to 13th, south to College, east to 10th south to Queens.

See you there!

Race Day – 2013 Soap Box Derby

What a great day for a race!  The weather cooperated, and Adam drove the Kinsmen Soap Box car in the Kiwanis Kar Derby today.  There was a little car trouble on the final run, but Adam did get one good run down the hill.  It turned out to be a fun event, and Adam received a nice package of mementos.  Thanks to the Kiwanis and volunteers for putting on the event.

Adam posing with the Kinsmen car at the photo area

Adam posing with the Kinsmen car at the photo area

Adam Racing

Adam Racing

And here’s a video clip of one of Adam’s runs down the hill:

Soap Box Derby June 1, 2013

The Kinsmen Club of Brandon is running a Soap Box Derby car in the 2013 Kiwanis Kar Derby.  The Kiwanis is a very worthy organization serving people in Brandon, and by supporting their event we also have an opportunity to raise the profile of Kinsmen in Brandon.

Our driver is Adam Wiebe, son of one of the Brandon Kinsmen members.  Adam is really excited to be in the Derby, as can be seen in the attached photo.

The Derby is held on the Rideau Street hill next to Rideau Park.  Come out and see us race, it will be lots of fun!

Adam Wiebe, trying out the Kinsmen Club of Brandon Soap Box Derby car.

Adam Wiebe, trying out the Kinsmen Club of Brandon Soap Box Derby car.

June 15th, 2013, the Third Annual “Ride for the Breath of Life”

This year’s “Ride for the Breath of Life” Motorcycle and Classic Car Ride will be June 15, 2013 at the Sobey’s West parking lot, 3409 Victoria Ave, Brandon.

The Brandon Kinsmen Club is pleased to host the Third Annual “Ride for the Breath of Life” – Motorcycle and Classic Car Ride in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.   This event’s mission is to raise funds for research for a cure or control for cystic fibrosis in Manitoba.

For more information on this event, view Ride For The Breath Of Life

Ride for th eBreath of Life logo