Wednesday we held our first general meeting of the year! Missing a few members but we were still able to get the ball rolling on projects - stay tuned!
That pesky Ace of Spades stayed hidden last night.So great news for next Saturday. Join Kinsmen Club of Brandon Kinette Club of Brandon at Smitty's Restaurant Sportsline Lounge & VLT'S Brandon from 6 to 8 pm,for the next chance to chase.See you there, $6589, that's alotta Cabbage...
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
When updating your September fridge calendar, make sure you put extra circles on Sept 7.Kinsmen Club of Brandon and Kinette Club of Brandon Chase the Ace starts up againJoin us at Smitty's Restaurant Sportsline Lounge & VLT'S Brandon from 6 to 8 pm for your chance to play. We can give you over 6000 reasons to stop by
It’s almost time to get back to the Kinette Club of Brandon’s meetings, projects, fun and fellowship! If you’d like to know more about us, contact us via messenger or email us at!
Brandon Bear Clan Inc. Just in time for another heat wave!Our friends at Heritage Co-op had a sale on water a while back and Kinsmen Club of Brandon and Kinette Club of Brandon jumped at the chance to get some for the Brandon Bear Clan.A cyber attack later and we were able to deliver the much needed supplies yesterday. Heritage had our backs the whole time and we are grateful for the support#servingthecommunitiesgreatestneeds
Photos from Brandon Humane Society's post
Our 2023-2024 Kin year has officially come to an end and we are so grateful to all of our Association's dedicated member volunteers who Served the Community's Greatest Need this year! Our clubs and Association would not be here without these incredible individuals who lend their time, talent, passion, creativity, resources, and so much more to help others in their communities. Thank you Kinsmen, Kinettes, and Kin! Your impact across Canada is immeasurable!
Happy Canada Day! We hope you are having a great day and stay safe!Happy Canada Day from Canada's Service Organization!